Thursday, May 20, 2021

The Mass Psychosis of Exterminaton

There are some regions of the world that 

remain mired in the elemental primordial

laws of survival; the thin veneer of civility

often abraded and torn away in the passion

of tribal rivalry and vestigial stirrings of ancient

enmities. So it is in Africa which remains

a dark continent of violence in competition

for resources still viewed as scarce setting

tribe and clan against one another to create

victor and victim, a widespread condition of

inhumanity common to south Asia and the

Middle East where restive tribal and vile

sectarian animosity of ancient origin seethes

and simmers sending nations into paroxysms

of rage mounting conflict after conflict where

the guilty and the innocent alike become

sacrifices to enmity and the passion of greed

the lure of possessing that held by others

when destroying what is coveted becomes

the solution that no side celebrates conquest.

The raw law of survival turned on its head in

a mass psychosis of mortal extermination.




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