Saturday, May 15, 2021

Insincerity or Civility?


It was a ravaged face that drew close to

yours as an involuntary recoil shook your

mind while you continued congratulating her

on her svelte new appearance. Gone the

thick rolls of flesh so familiar over the past

decades, in their place a curvaceous body 

with the merest hint of a upper-waist roll.

It was her face that transfixed you, pallid

and grey, wrinkles so deep and wide she was

transformed haggardly at close range. Not

a word of that, hissed your mind to self as

you heard out her references to overeating

on cruises, losing the weight, restoring it on

subsequent cruises. You know her, referencing

status symbols is her shtick and you have no

intention of hinting she was always thick

but smile and stroke her ego for she is after

all, like anyone else, entitled to kindness.


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