Friday, May 28, 2021


It's an old truism borne out as fact that whatever 

is old is new again. Wait long enough and what 

was once popular returns to yet again become 

the current fashion because 'everyone's doing it'.

That 'it' may have acquired a bad odour at some

point but no matter once it is dredged again from

the sewer of humanity's lowest common denominator

it's the flavour of the moment. That flavour sees

the interminable denunciation of Jews as horribly

flawed, their presence somehow inspiring evil in

the world given their morbid designs to grasp

whatever is of value in a satanic conspiracy to

rule the world. They once were viewed as sweet

and cuddly little mascots, emaciated in striped

pajamas with neat little tattoos, in mourning for

their loss and temporarily all their transgressions

were forgiven. Until that time when punishment

imposed by a hostile world led them to return from

whence they came and there establish defences 

capable of transforming the pitiable victims into

formidable adversaries, no longer sweet and cuddly

and susceptible to genocide, transforming them once

again into mere Jews, ridiculed, despised, forsaken.




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