Friday, May 7, 2021

Lips Sealed

Understanding the long-run effects of Africa's slave trades | VOX, CEPR  Policy Portal

Shush! Lips sealed. Ears closed. Eyes shut.

Not a murmur, not a hint, speak not of what

humanity is capable of. Think deicide

matricide, patricide, genocide. Imagine also

fratricide, both Biblical and historical but say

nothing and instead look in your rage and

disbelief for causes and blame far more

palatable, stifle fact and history for it stings

in echo of the pain and suffering of untold

unheard, unwanted dimensions of truth. Cast

about for blame seething with the rage of

racism and tamp down the suffocating history

of tribal slavery, the pillage of humanity in

the darkness of the soul of darkest Africa led

not by conquering Europeans but by Black

tribes looting and killing and enslaving their

own, aided, abetted and partnered by their

pious co-religionists setting the stage by

showing the way for trade in Black slavery.

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