Sunday, May 2, 2021

Irksome Meddlers


My four-score years and more do not

shield me from the officious little

commissars who plod through life

with the undiluted belief that

they hold the universe together

in their great unblemished wisdom

firmly knowing that rules are rules

and no one must be permitted to

ignore them and it be his self-appointed

duty to proudly inform the ignorant

of their perceived assault on limits

of the permissible. And so I as an

inveterate naturalist besotted with the

natural world and a lifelong student of

same lovingly at times transplanting

wildflowers to flourish in my garden

given a lesson on the legality of what

was presumed underway. While snapping

the shyly elusive head of a spring 

wildflower chastened with the warning

it is illegal to pick such. Nor would I;

the presumptuous little twerp ignorant

of the legality of transplanting them to

camera or mayhap to the garden.

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