Tuesday, September 29, 2020

It's Autumn

The timeless process in slow motion
inevitable, irresistible, ongoing
seasonal measures by which
nature organizes life and death
the renewal of all her resources
and in the forest forever in dusk
light diminishes day by day
urging all growing things to consult
their primordial memories to refresh
their rituals of survival. On the
forest floor vegetation blanches
and shrivels, the understory recedes
while conifers shed needles and
deciduous trees flaunt a flamboyant
wardrobe the envy of all whose
memories stretch back to childhood
and the acrid fragrance of autumn.
Cold begins to seep into the atmosphere
sufficient persuasion for geese and
hummingbirds to migrate humming
through the dark velvet of the night sky.
Furred creatures forage feverishly
and caterpillars find their perfect place
to cocoon the frigid months away.

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