Friday, September 4, 2020

Hounded By A Fetish


As fetishes go no doubt there could be worse.

A fascination, obsession, attraction that cannot

be denied, for feet. Ah, correction that should be

singular, only one foot, my right. And he is 

adamant in his amour over it, licking it at every

opportunity, his tiny tongue -- for he is very small --

probing and reaching into each interstice between

each toe, lavishing licks on heels and ankles

as though each molecular cell that gives any

substance to the presence of that foot satisfies

some strange lust. Can I deny him his pleasure?

Is my surrender to his ministrations warped? Do

I encourage his bizarre fascination with my foot?

And nor does it end there for he retrieves the socks

I wear and set aside in the laundry room, hauling

them away to his bed in the family room. For this

is one very preoccupied little puppy, his passion

carrying him away on the wings of fanciful delight.

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