Wednesday, September 23, 2020

A Nation Divided

Transitioning from Semi-Skilled Worker Status to Canadian Permanent  Residency | Canada Immigration News
Now is the time to be parsimonious
with your critiques, we're living in
hard times with high anxiety and a
whole lot of depression, even if you're
not feeling it particularly yourself for
after all, there's no big personal cost to
humility and concern for others, so go
ahead and look the other way when the
fellow next door wears a mask when he's
mowing his lawn and unloading groceries
from his car trunk. He's a schlub but
you always knew it and had the good
grace to keep it to yourself. If you're
looking to vent some spleen you still
can as a citizen of a country where free
speech is lionized. Look instead to 
calling out the hyper-hypocrisy of a
white, privileged man born to money
and a famous name who champions the
less privileged, women's rights and
alt-gender equality along with people
of colour even though as you readily
recall the occasions when he casually
manhandled women claiming his
memory told him the experience was
other than assault, then couldn't recall
how many times he wore Black-face.
A man who incidentally cannot quite
distinguish between ethical choices and
injudicious decision making, who thinks
nothing amiss of using your money to
pay for his votes. Equality does not extend
to the rights of the provinces, some more
equal than others. Go ahead pal, cry it 
FOUL! loud and clear: COVID scapegoat
to beggar the country for the man whose
goal is to be king like any self-serving
champion of the people's bought choice.

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