Saturday, September 26, 2020

Guilty, As Charged

Why yes, now that you mention it 
the world has gone mad for we live
not in exciting times but in an excitable
era where mass hysteria is the order 
in which we cope, to function as best
we can in an atmosphere burdened with
fear and distrust, where incensed groups
clasp victimhood with great affection
close to their outraged affectation, in the
process conferring victimhood on all and
sundry for if they were once slaves then
penance should be equally shared among
all who descended from the slavers. Ancient
Greece quivers with indignation for even
their greatest of philosophers, among them
slaves, held sacred an implicit belief that 
some are born to nobility and others to be 
enslaved. No matter that modernity shudders 
at the very thought of bent and burdened backs
in service to others' whims of necessity. All
must bear the burden of man's inhumanity
to itself. And so society abases itself while
hoping to placate the rage of those whom
history and current political cowardice
has entitled to mob-roam dark streets and
burn and pillage, beat and threaten, the
accusers savagely intimidating their own
victims knowing polite dissent gains nothing 
wreaking havoc to find satisfaction and 
vindication in their claims, evidenced by
the wincing submission of society's suddenly 
less-privileged, beaten insensible, quiescent.

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