Monday, September 21, 2020

Cue The Olde Philosopher

Actually our man is not old much less olde
but he does regard himself as a philisopher
knowledgeable, cosmopolitan, pacific. 
He has a loyal companion who regards him
with liquid eyes of adoration so that's one
thing in his favour, though their lines of
communication are somewhat complex, she
canine, he human. To ask whether there are
other traits in his favour one would have to
enquire directly to his wife of whom he will
occasionally discourse and reading between
the lines of his wry accounts, one has reason
to doubt. Begin a conversation and prepare
to have the topic yanked out from under your
tongue. Wait for him to launch a topic and
then grit your teeth and launch a rictus smile.
Time is not in your favour, friend, take it from
we who have suffered over the years anxious
not to appear bored or fed up with the man's
endless expositions for which he brooks no
interruption, polite or otherwise. And when
tactfully you search for a conclusion whereby
escape is possible and launch an 'anyway...' as
preparation in taking leave, it is clear that many
have attempted that ruse and failed for he takes
that word and mockingly quotes: anyway
anyhow, nonetheless, even so, in any case .....

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