Friday, October 5, 2018

Thoughts on a Marriage

By no means do we distrust or not hold
in high regard the fundamental trades
much less hard-working tradesmen but
the simple fact is that we have seldom
required their services since my husband
is the original Jack-of-all-trades -- you
remember that proverbial Everyman who
seems to no longer exist in a society where
there is a specialist for everything and few
really have any interest in getting down
and dirty to look after their own concerns?
Curious by nature and industrious by
character he always wanted to know
how everything works -- remember the kid
who disassembled clocks and radios
earning the righteously frustrated rage
of his parents? that's him. There is nothing
he hasn't applied himself to spurning in
the process taking 'courses' of any kind
simply putting his keen mind and skilled
hands to it, from constructing furniture
painting landscapes, remodelling bathrooms
and kitchens, laying tile, rebuilding conters
designing stained glass windows, producing 
and installing them, and building hardscapes
as a landscaper would in my garden. In
his working life a government bureaucrat
focus art and antiques, international trade
now retired over twenty years he's still at
it, plumbing, electrical work whatever
needs attending in this house, our home.

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