Sunday, October 14, 2018


The only measure in which they are
opposites is their height, hers fully half
his. Otherwise they are each in their
elder years physical wisps an ambitious
wind might easily carry off into the wild
blue ether. They are so subdued in meek
character floating up there no sound
would be emitted from their protesting
lips, loathe to cause a fuss and draw
attention to their fanciful flight. Of late
the magnet of home tugs him close
while she maintains his abandoned
and familiar neighbourhood schedule
perambulating a circuit of streets her
pale insubstantial presence enormously
enhanced by the wind-and-cold protective
cocoon enveloping her. Her toddling
gait, however betrays the inner presence
of a sensitive soul, the shyest of the shy
whose tentative smile matches the
tenor of her slight quavering voice, one
never quite comfortable with idle
albeit civil chat. Yet she is constrained
to halt her abortive steps to commune
with whoever happens to be there
with halting comments betraying her
insecurity determined to be unflinchingly
polite schooling herself to idle talk
as though to prove herself just like you
and another smile and a nod return
her to that shuffle back to him.


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