Friday, October 26, 2018

As The World Spins

When pretty little Alice credulously 
followed that frenetic top-hatted rabbit 
consulting his gold-chained waistcoated 
watch she discovered her psychedelic 
Wonderland complete with growth and 
shrinkage, madcap poetry, lunatic Queens 
babbling Duchesses, clever frogs and
Dodos, in a thoroughly downside-up
world where sensibilities are thwarted
and the unexpected expected, where
a leering grin can separate itself gleefully
from its Cheshire cat host, and tea parties
are not quite what they seem. Her foray
into that dizzy Otherworld was but a 
glimpse backward from ceiling to floor
exit to entrance of the world we inhabit
ourselves, merely magnified in its
exuberant display of life exemplifying
character types we meet ourselves in
our everyday world that we think of
as odd and then pass by secure in the
comfort that between them and ourselves
there is a world of difference, they
inhabiting quaint personal lunacy and 
we assured of cerebral balance in logic.

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