Monday, October 15, 2018


Uncompromisingly, respect for her must be
the basis for a sound intimate relationship 
she noted as her outstanding requirement for
any relations to succeed and when reminded 
that she often stated she had no respect for
the panoply of men whom she serially shared 
home and hearth with, she frostily asserted 
respect must be earned. Unsurprisingly there
are times when she moans that she desperately
needs to be cherished yet she treats love as a
disposable commodity. Logically it should
be men of high intelligence and good earning
potential she might be attracted to since she
is imbued with both qualities, yet she swiftly
responds to any man expressing desire
requiring no preliminaries nor the time to
evaluate his qualities before proffering her
own temporary commitment. Understandably
ill-suited by temperament to any suggestion
she could be dominated in turn her specialty
is domination resulting in those who acquiesce
ultimately being quickly shed, and those who
resist appealing to her sense of personal
challenge to be overcome; succeed or fail
the end result separation accompanied by
harsh condemnation and accusations of
intolerable abuse as she racks up a growing
inventory of grievances along with bitter
recriminations at the lack of worthy suitors.

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