Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Merely Observing

Surely you've noticed a similar
peculiarity to one that I a normally
not-observant individual have
concluded, that dogs and their
people appear to have much in
common. Oh, not merely that they tend 
to appreciate one another and make
good companions each depending
on the other; one for uncritical
company the other for its daily
sustenance, a pact that has served
both the human and the dog very
well over the long history of their
mutual acquaintance. I mean after
all that, all too often a glance at one
points to the obvious resemblance
to the other. Since it is the human that
usually makes the initial choice one
can only conclude that a method of
discriminatory ego guides the decision
to bring home an animal counterpart
of the person. Look at the haircoat
of the dog and the coiffure of the
person; similar texture and colour
purely coincidence? And the body
conformation? Each sleek, alternately
each obese. And manners of course
absence or presence. I have become
skilled at visually clarifying those
similarities and in the process come
away hoping that no discerning eye
concludes that between me and my
puppies nature has declared a truce.

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