Monday, October 29, 2018

Nature's Formula

Instilled by nature with a sense of
curiosity and awe from birth to death
humankind was given a gift an impetus
to acquire knowledge and to recognize
the divine in nature's presence wherever
one looks. That comfort in nature and
fascination with the never-ending display
of wonders is a gift that sees no end
but it is a gift that is too often misused
misunderstood and ignored. The human
psyche shrinks in dismay and confusion
when the mind fails to recognize the
bond between man and nature, spurning
the latter, depriving the former leaving
an abyss, a desolation of yearning
spurring the search to alter consciousness
and in the process initiating a journey
accelerating the process of meeting that
final conclusion known as death. The
echo voices the thunderous response of
the need to alter the conscious and the
subconscious alike to the possibilities in
life, the journey providing respite from
concerns and pain of being as restraints
dissolve and a kaleidoscopic alter-world
of shapes and colour consume attention
the mind floats in an ecstasy of freedom
that could more naturally complement a
universal mood of social anomie by the
simple expedient of a walk in the woods.

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