Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Picture This!

The narrow mountain road wound
through the fog and mist casting its
bewitched spell and caution in matched
measure around the slope then switchbacked
leading to the destination that memory
recalled insisting it be revisited to once
again view its ephemeral exposure to
nature's flights of geological fancy
magnificent and raw, powerful and
awe-inspiring its furious beauty once
again awaiting our presence. In pounding
rain we accessed the trail a modest
affectation of shelter provided by the
forest canopy stippling the mountainside.
A landscape luxuriantly strewn with
boulders shed by the mountain in its
timeless thrust from the earth's mantle
host to elderly shaggy-barked yellow
birch, pines and hemlock rising to meet
the sodden grey clouds leadng to its 
granite topped summit above the treeline 
as rain receded and the view of numberless
mountains much greater in height than 
this one marched into the distance, most
swaddled in snow taking our breath away.

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