Friday, August 18, 2017

The Mind of the Creature

How like human nature and forensic 
psychology it is to be oblivious to
the obvious. Paleontologists focus on
discovering our human roots and the
development of homo sapiens, timeless
passage of primitive man to become what
we now know as 'man the wise' hoping
through painstaking archaeological digs
to find evidence that a strain of early
man existed of whom no previous
knowledge was discovered. Anthropologists
pride themselves on professional acumen
and experience, probing here and there
examining minute pieces of cranium
to measure the cavity containing the
brain for that is the seat of the spirit
the soul and the mind of the creature.
How they manage to overlook, in their
zeal to strip the past of its secrets, the
existence of a new strain of humankind
is beyond belief for its existence can be
viewed everywhere that Algerians flood
into France and Belgium, where Moroccans
migrate as refugees to Spain, where vast
numbers of Muslims invade Europe
and nestled within their numbers lurk
Islam's dark brood, never heretofore given
recognition as humankind's newly
discovered branch, a race against time
to disable civilization, committing
murder and mayhem as manifestations
of the destiny of which they are harbingers.

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