Sunday, August 20, 2017

Nature's Contraption

Mystified and terrified in equal measure
primitive shamans once pleaded with
the gods not to devour their source of
light, heat and life itself. In the process
gaining added respect, awe and reverence
from frightened villagers who knew of a
certainty that those prayers and their loud
lamentations aroused the gods to pity.
As the compassionate gods spat out the
contested sun fears were allayed and
humankind indulged itself in an orgy
of grateful celebration in the intercessions
that gained their return to complacency
beloved of the Lords of the Universe
reversing their insatiable appetites. Now
thanks to the wisdom of human genius
and our besotted belief that we are the 
lords of the Universe, astronomers capably
studied the heavens and astrophysicists
weighing the cosmos's interminable
variations and our own limited galaxy
we veer directly toward celebrating what
science has interpreted so logically, as
the great mechanical wheel of the Universe
turns, foolishly abandoning our terror.


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