Monday, August 7, 2017

Reality Trumps Fantasy

Imagine the kind of book review
that would result from the publication
of a deliberately ironic specimen from
some writer's feverishly absurd sketch
of a man with the resolve of a windmill
the mental acuity of an earthworm and
the charity of a banker arrogant enough
to challenge the voting public to elect
him as the redoubtable leader of the
free world. Imagine how repugnant 
the very theory of a man suited to
entertain the lowest common denominator
occupying an office of the highest political
order, bereft of experience, capability
honesty and honour spouting crude
and aggressive statements while
promising the electorate eager for
change that he is their man. Imagine
that he is right; he is their man and as
their man occupying that office no day
goes by when credulity is not challenged
by utterances so profane to intelligence
and meaningless in content yet harmful
to the social order brings the world to
the brink of disbelief time and again.
Believe it; we see a detestable bigot as
someone's champion, a cretinous
ignoramus with hordes of admirers
a nasty bully gathering enthusiastic
support assuring a megalomaniac that
he can do no wrong. Cartoonists and
journalists write disbelievingly of endless
scenarios of Gothic mismanagement all
of which are greeted with shrugs as
the pitiless charade of responsible
governance mocks sensibility at the very 
time that it reveals its own authenticity.

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