Sunday, August 6, 2017


Far Horizons

There are ways to travel to widen
your horizons, to wonder at traditions
and customs not your own and in the
doing discover the obvious that what
motivates and moves you in human
needs and emotions is reflected in
those whose heritage so different
than your own where regional
social traditions and customs strike
you as quaint and often beautiful
still reflect beneath the surface the
human need to touch and be with
others. Living among these strangers
is one way to learn their customs and
values and link with their humanity
and second-best is to read about their
trials, tribulations and successes. Have
you ever noticed that those who long
to travel and view exotic places pay
little attention to heritage and people
and focus on sun and surf, food and
personal comfort. Have you never come
to realize that 'guided tours' are vacuous
pretenses at acquiring an understanding
of landscape and culture, ignoring the
reality surrounding the guided
themselves quite lacking interest in
depth and enriching themselves with
experience beyond facade. This penchant
to shallow penetration is the gateway
however, to prestigious recognition.

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