Friday, August 4, 2017


If it is true that our every thought
represents an electrical impulse
that is carried through the atmosphere
forevermore, do those thoughts echo
somewhere, where others pick them
up, decipher their meaning, know
inherent to their interpretation who
we are, what we represent, why we exist
because they too somewhere, anywhere
reflect the introspection that gives
birth to such thoughts? If, as some
suggest, we inhabit just one plane but
that alongside the one we exist within
there are alternate worlds and other
realities, not just our own; invisible and
silent to us, but there -- so where are
they? Is that other world one of
insubstantial ectoplasm, where ghostlike
creatures waft here and there with the
wind, assuming atmospheric conditions
impact there as they do here? Are they
aware of us, do they care that we exist?
Is complex, mysterious science that we
name nature far more adventurous in
creation than we can give credit for?


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