Monday, March 13, 2017


What an extraordinarily remarkable
and talented man, deliberately 
presenting himself as a risible
visual treat, because everyone loves
a clown and his visage is so
disarmingly amusing. Yet it is his
deeper purpose behind that facade
to imbue in the great nation he leads
a rediscovered sense of purpose and
nobility, to pursue the great American
dream of a great nation dedicated to
world fraternity, obligated to the 
grace of avuncular yet occasionally
firm guidance to a world astray.
Who else would have been capable
of restoring to the world-weary, bored
population its respected past as a
guide to the perplexed and a haven
for the persecuted? This is a man of
charming guile knowing his people
better than they know themselves
anticipating reaction to his uncouth
utterings and barbarian habits - oh, all
a show, not a window to his soul, you
see, who foresaw the result of his
presidency inciting to the public a return
to antecedents of resilience and trust
determination and pride, honouring
the strength of decency and purpose
gathering itself to denounce and to
resist the dictates of a pretender.

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