Saturday, March 18, 2017

Love's Whimsy

Pensively, lovingly you clasp
my hand in yours, warm and large
placing both over your heart and I
lay my head on your chest. You
reach your cheek down to mine
then gently, as the music plays
guide me effortlessly to the
dance. Our bodies linked
in the harmony of warmth and
love we sway and we glide
the grace of your movement
leading me on as we recognize
one song after another of our
youth. It is said that thoughts are
electrical impulses that pulse
forever through the atmosphere. The
infinity of space within our minds
and the timeless space endlessly
reaching beyond our place on
Earth into the expanding universe
if that is so must resound with our
thoughts and intimate details of
our lives together as one. What
must those whose advanced
science picks up these shreds and
threads of our existence think?

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