Wednesday, March 8, 2017

International What?

It was fated through no deliberate
choice of my own that my birth
as a female would result in
sharing and celebrating life with
my eternal counterpart born a
male, enabling us to discover one
another while barely free of
childhood, advancing toward our
destiny as man and woman
dedicated to life inseparable to
forge a future in a spontaneous
tandem of adventure and expression
sharing thoughts and emotions
struggles and disappointments, a
family, travelling the world 
entrenched in mutual delight with 
life in all its manifest opportunities.
The immutable gender traits 
alongside those transcending mere 
gender. Grateful I am to be a 
woman, grateful that he is a man. 
Puzzled am I that the world 
proclaims a day dedicated to 
international womanhood as
though fulfilling a need to 
applaud women leads to pride in
accomplishment as a state that 
women themselves cannot achieve 
without that courtesy. For I am
woman complementing man.


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