Monday, March 6, 2017


The Challenge

The challenge that lies ahead is
abundantly clear but you nonetheless
forge on, recalling dimly the long-ago
past when as a child you welcomed
such challenges. It is abundant indeed
as you progress downhill entering
the ravined forest, and clear as the
ice you gingerly place your winter
booted feet upon. After all, it represents
your choice to enjoy a winter walk in 
the woods, knowing that to do so
requires a frame of mind accepting
of nature's terms. This can be viewed
generously as a test of your balance
of your acrobatic skills in negotiating
trails well trampled and sleeked with
ice, inviting the unwary to tread along
with undue haste. Well versed in the
ways and wherefores of the trails you
pace your steps maintaining an eye on
your little furry companions quite
untroubled with the kind of concerns
that you concentrate upon to avoid a
loss of equilibrium; their gait and their
four-legged advantage and spiky little
paws clearly demonstrating which of
you under the circumstances nature
has bestowed superior talents upon.

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