Sunday, March 19, 2017



Snow yet covers the ground
but the atmosphere is no longer
frozen for it has become
crisply tolerable as it
touches our faces no
longer threatening frostbite
but gently whispering the
exquisite promise of spring.
The air sparkles with light
sun beaming its golden rays
upon the landscape where
chickadees and nuthatches
flit from tree to tree and
cardinals perched bright scarlet
warble their peerless melodies
to greet the season. People feel
suddenly freed from a burden of
cloistering overwinter, free
at last to wander among the
trees shedding ice and snow. 
Dusk now creeps its crepuscular 
presence while day turns to night   
more tardily as the Spring Equinox
hovers, winter grudgingly
taking its time to depart

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