Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Happy Returns

Return on investment is a concept
that not too many find difficult to
digest. Couple that with another 
presenting no problems whatever to the
computer-savvy public, the standard
'garbage in, garbage out'. The two
linked make a statement sturdy
enough to light a bulb in the dimmest
of minds. How about you get what you
pay for? In a social environment where
children's sensibilities are so frail
it has long become the custom to 
guide their egos to the firm understanding
they are unique and amazing individuals
upon whom Fortune will never fail
to smile. Convince them they must
never settle for good enough since
obviously it isn't good enough, and
because they're so special mountains
will move out of their way. They have
learned to appraise prospects to enhance
their aspirations by the quality they
bring to the effort of adopting them.
In the sphere of love never having been
taught that to give is to receive they
retain their love for themselves while
linking to another with whom they
couple. Perhaps they failed to notice
how their mother and their father
deferred to one another, that one
or the other interchangeably had no
problems making sacrifices in favour
of that covenant that brought them to
a marriage of long standing. Example
failed in its patterning proficiency
when the young neglected the test of
observing that love means valuing
the object of love over oneself, and in
so missing that beat failed the self.

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