Thursday, October 27, 2016

What's This?!

Not to complain, good grief never, no!
Did want to point out to whoever
might be interested that October is
not yet over for this year, and ghostly
Hallowe'en has not yet struck since
the 31st is still four days off, you know.
Yes, a new weather front arrived a few
days earlier, and yes the winds it
invited came bellowing into the
atmosphere and it in turn invited a
succession of really, really icy-cold
days, and heavily overcast skies. Call
it a prelude, a premonition, a rehearsal
but in October? Our two little dogs are
thrilled, just as children tend to be
at the sight of snow, unexpected and
inviting as a playground prospect
with those very special properties
known to freezing moisture. But we
who must shovel it and travel in its
excesses, not quite so joyful at its
impetuous arrival though all the signs
were there and we simply were too
reluctant to read them with any 
degree of accuracy, experience aside.

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