Saturday, October 29, 2016

Not So, Beloved

Yes, it did trouble her grandmother
when the little girl for whom her
grandparents provided nine years
of devoted working-day care-giving
in her headstrong fashion of a child's
emerging id, refused to take any
personal responsibility and failed to
demonstrate generosity of spirit.
But she had other attributes and was
after all, the only grandchild so
care and love was lavished upon
the child. Even so, her grandmother
admonished her every time she
chimed "not my fault!", careful not
to seem too harsh about it. Now 20
and a university student, a familiar
agency regularly deposits $1700 monthly
to her bank account, to see his
granddaughter through university;
the very same grandfather who recently 
underwent open heart surgery waiting
in vain for a solicitous call from said
granddaughter, which never came.
The grandmother emailed an enquiry
and for her troubles was messaged
that same old defense: "not my fault!"
A sentiment obviously geared to
take her through her professional life
as a criminal lawyer, an aspiration
she has clung to since she was a child.

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