Sunday, October 16, 2016

Our Gardens

Nature encourages us to emulate
her divine constructs in an orderly
manner unlike her own, the result
of which we take personal pride in
as our gardens of earthly delight.
We make careful note of each tender 
plant's needs, just as nature has
instructed and take pains to achieve
success, to model ourselves on her
flawless protocols, fussily amending
the growing medium, placing plants
where sun or shade nurture them and
even take such bold steps as to
challenge her expertise, in experimenting
with bold new cultivars. Oh, we're a
cheeky lot, daring to move her designs
from environments they are specific
to, as though hubris compels us to
confront the mistress of gardening
with a smirk of superiority. Yet, the
last word is always hers, as she shifts
her seasons, making quick and deadly
work of our pride, destroying our
creations through wind, cold and
snow, then graciously permitting us 
to begin anew, season after season.

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