Monday, October 10, 2016


In the best and brightest of
her mercurial moods nature will
deign to share her treasures with us.
We have only to venture forth and
to observe with the practised eye of
one absorbed in the world about us
to discover jewels we would rarely
expect to encounter and autumn
is as good a season as any to
bask in the golden glow of an
afternoon sun warming the crisp
air of a fall day. Emerald gleams
in that fabulous orb's rays as they
illuminate still-green foliage but
here and there ruby sparkles
where maples have turned from
green to red under a sapphire sky.
The tumbling silver of a forest
stream reveals diamonds gliding
past where the sun lingers on the
lazy passage of the stream on the
forest floor. And there, there's the
pot of gold of nature's devising; an
old tree stump whose hollow is put
to use as a graceful receptacle for the
furbelowed ruffles of brilliant orange
baubles beloved of nature's conceit
in ornamenting her domain with
the elaborate treasures she devises.

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