Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Fall Rain in the Forest

A brooding fall day unimpressed by
the better nature of a landscape
transformed with brightly turning
foliage of breathtaking scope
invited dark thunderheads to grumble
through the dark night sky washing
the landscape in transparency. When
daylight dawned undecided to welcome
misty fog and showers, the sun had its
brief say until an aggressive wind
returned bleak clouds even while
a balmy atmosphere, unusual for the
season, prevailed. Unappeased
the wind countered the warmth
to belligerently strip the forest canopy
violating peace and serenity, raining 
pine needles in orange disarray, plunging
foliage in a confetti of shades onto
the forest floor, until its puzzling
unreasoning, seasonal rage subsided.

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