Sunday, August 7, 2016


You, Me, a Life

Tuning in to the golden era of the 
50s Saturday nights, we melt at the
dreamily pensive Blue Moon
and September Song, as you
extend your arms to lift me
into the mesmerizing embrace
of the dance floor our kitchen
has become. The heat and sweet
fragrance of your body melts
into mine again, and we are
transformed into the children
we once were, enraptured with
one another, imagining a future
together, loving the close sensuality
of our swaying tandem, no one
on the crowded dance floor but us
as the gentle caress of our hands
nestling on shoulders and hips
awakened us to prospects 
whose promise we could just
begin to imagine yet unable to
fully comprehend until a lifetime 
later. The music has restored youth
and the promise, elevating us
to another realm of time reflecting
our endless love in a life well 
shared between us, dearest soul.

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