Sunday, August 21, 2016

Transcendent Light

It could be a peculiar trick of the
prevailing light in the deeply dense
forest where green in shades seldom
before realized shimmer, fade, then
clarify in the steadily growing
twilight of a wasting day that
has entertained endless rain events
inundating the forest, slicking
foliage, mucking the forest floor
brightening the litter of dead and
fallen conifer needles to a bright
pumpkin glow, shrubs and ferns
gasping under the weight of their
rain burden in an atmosphere
drenched beyond humid, waves 
of damp heat coursing through
the weather-fatigued woodland.
Sodden and sorry the bracken
shrubs and tree saplings, dripping
ceaselessly, yet the intensity of
greens and their vibrating shades
aglow with the electricity of life
reflect infinite and enduring power
of nature harnessing her creations.

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