Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Urban Forest

This dense green space with its
overhanging forest canopy where
hawks whistle above as they coast on
prevailing winds represents an urban
woodland. It remains sheltered from 
encroachment of urban construction 
through the felicity of geology, for 
it is a deeply ravined area, thick with 
the presence of wildlife, coniferous
and deciduous trees, a corridor for
migrating birds seeking temporary
haven, and a network of rivulets
all guaranteeing its protected status. As
dense as is the forest in early morning
hours when cardinals, robins and
goldfinches raise their ecstatic voices
in praise of the dawning day, a dull
distant roar penetrates the serenity
of the forest, testament to a busy
highway encircling the city contiguous
to the forested ravine. The morning sun
glances stray rays through the canopy
to unerringly pick out the blistering
carmine berries of red baneberry and 
the drooping sprays of wild cherries
amongst  the varied shades in the 
overwhelming monotone of green
needles and foliage, and the robust
bracken on the forest floor.

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