Wednesday, August 17, 2016


The Welcoming Garden

There are countless devoted visitors
seen and unseen, to a midsummer
garden. Dawn's early light brings the
ravishing sight and sound of the peerless
scarlet cardinals pealing tribute to the
waking day. Early visits to long-throated
blooms offer glimpses of ruby-throated
hummingbirds whirring swiftly
nectar-bidden, while bees seek floral
pollen, and bright yellow goldfinches
pick seedheads from sunflowers. Robins
alight on spruce spires warbling a
paean to rain they sense oncoming.
The garden welcomes dainty damselflies
and flamboyant dragonflies, ornamented
butterflies and modest moths, but
blanches in distress at the appearance
and intention of the beautiful and
voracious Japanese beetle, connoisseur
of gardens, an all-consuming appetite
anticipating the irresistible salad before
its greedy eyes to service its palate. 

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