Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Earth's Creatures

Man is by no means the only
creature that nature has invested
with an insatiable curiosity beyond
its natural habitat, to cross boundaries
in a discovery quest for the unknown.
Why not flying, crawling insects
whose world of existence is the
great out-of-doors and whose
occasional unwelcome forays
within the unnatural world humans
have developed inevitably has, for
them, deadly consequences? Simply
because they offend our sensibilities
though we ourselves are invested 
in both worlds, we deny them entry
to ours. Their presence in our
physical interior spaces elicit in
us a primal urge to destroy. Not
that the presence of pestilential
creatures do not signify a threat to
our well-being. But a spider, a
Cranefly? Harmless, yet inviting
response, those delicate organisms
piquing our disgust. Some among us
however, go to great lengths to 
preserve them, gently lifting and
freeing them to nature, recognizing
their will to live, no less than ours.

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