Friday, August 14, 2015

Two Of A Kind

Neither, however, is particularly
kind, though they are one of a
kind. But then they are impervious
to emotion since nature has set
them a most particular task to be
fulfilled in lock-step with her grand
design of existence and renewal.
These two have so much in
common between them, for they
rule over all things counted as
living matter sentient or not,
makes no difference. Neither can
be avoided, both are inevitable,
relentless in their pursuit of
finality. Each has its function
as they work in an inexorable
partnership: Time and Death. Each
pursues life in an endless circuit
of progress and decline; stealthily,
patiently, issuing no warning
surprising us in unguarded moments
relieving us of everything. Time
ensnares us, Death captures us.

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