Wednesday, August 26, 2015


This stiff-upper-lip voice
floating at me
through my radio;
this upper-class British voice
that I alternately envy and deride, describing
new research into the incidence
of sleep-walking, and one of the symptoms,
one of the ways you can tell
is by the victim's (?) GLAZED EYES.
Is that how?
Could be my life is one
whole sleep-walking experience.
And he goes on to say
it's a fallacy; they don't die of shock
if precipitately
brought out of their sleep-walking, then
goes on to give an example of some woman
who had an 'unfortunate'
tendency to sleep-walk
in the wee hours of the morning 
- naked - and that's
how her husband invariably discovered her:
walking the streets, naked.
'It distressed her husband
enormously' the voice said. Well yes, it would.
But women are like that
always dreaming of
walking the streets,
though few of us do it
and fewer yet
die of mortification when
precipitately brought to reality.

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