Sunday, August 30, 2015

Nature's Refuge

From the first blush of dawn
when the garden welcomes
light shimmering on overnight
dew, to the shaded glaze of
evening twilight, visitors drop
randomly by without so 
much as a by-your-leave
delighting with their presence.
The cardinal's trill welcoming
the sun, the goldfinch flashing
from birdbath to shrubbery
and the afternoon bees and
butterflies animate my garden
like living jewels enhancing
the brilliance of colourful
blooms, the structure of 
foliage, the fragrance of plants
of purpose and delight. The
overnight visits of raccoons
unseen but for their careful
selection from the compost,
lid set neatly aside. Morning
glories and nasturtiums absorb
the warmth of the sun, framing
the garden fence. Roses and
hydrangeas, lilies and geraniums
colour the world of my garden
that nature shares with me.

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