Friday, May 15, 2015

The Conversation

To note that they have 
developed a most peculiar
sensibility is to understate
their truly odd balance in 
nature for who might have
imagined small juvenile
delinquent puppies mastering
gardening and penmanship,
idle pursuits felt to be the
purview of their mistress.
Yet she has discovered their
dainty penchant for browsing
in her rock garden particularly
fascinated by Hens-'n-chicks
confusing the smaller fleshy
'chicks' as delightful morsels.
Chidingly I ask how they
would feel pried away from
their mother's bosom, and
they cock their heads, musing
on my ignorance, for of course
they had been. I leave off pen
and notebook, scribbles done,
and the two black miscreants
leap the table for triumphant
possession of pen and notebook;
extraordinarily tasty nibbles
they advise me, solemnly.

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