Friday, May 1, 2015


Mutually Appreciated

He is a frequent guest, but a
shy one, arriving unheralded
when least expected, but we do enjoy
welcoming him. He entertains us
in exchange for a meal and we 
rejoice at his presence, though his
modesty dictates that he wear a
mask, as his mother does and
his father, too. Not outlaws, but
clever souls they are, choosing to 
live among others not of their kind.
They are an urban legend who
though at home in natural
surroundings beneath a forest
canopy, choose to visit us, too.
True, it's no way to treat a guest,
with cast-off crackers, crusts of
bread and kitchen waste placed in
a backyard composter, but our guest
politely accepts the offerings and
has never offered any complaints.

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