Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Caveman Redux

What a mysterious process it is
that transformation. Cultural
anthropologists should have a
revelatory field day with the
wide-spread phenomenon. Women
recognize the symptoms, an arcane
regression to primitive eras, as
they sigh with both relief and
exasperation. Relief that finally
someone else is shouldering the
meal preparation chores,
exasperation at the lack of orderly
progress and the accumulation of
culinary implements which in all
fairness to the alternate cook, they
are now obliged to clean in a tidy
world of marital cooperation.
Strange the enthusiasm that engulfs
ordinarily normal men when
summer arrives and the cover on
the family barbecue is removed.
The household is entertained and 
palates are piqued by rubs and
marinades and unlikely ingredient
combinations that often work
chemical and taste-bud magic.
The primal hunter with his ancient 
memory stirred to life through the 
brain alchemy of vestigial nostalgia.

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