Monday, May 11, 2015

How's Your Day?

Trite it may be, but true
nonetheless, you feel this has
been the day from hell, and think
nothing can get any worse, but
guess what? it can. You're tired
and miserable, dispirited and 
disappointed, fearful of raising
your head just in case bad luck
is aiming another of its reeking
spitballs at you, and you just know
that would be the breaking point.
You can't handle another 
cross-eyed look from fate
bad-tempered enough to let you
have it again. Think positive ... of
this day's unlovely personal gifts
as a test of your fibre, your mettle,
your character, able to withstand
a firestorm of setbacks on your
way to the future. After all, there
are far worse things happening to
people every day, in every way, 
all over the world, and mostly
they survive and you will too,
albeit in a really foul mood you'd
do best to keep to yourself.

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