Saturday, May 16, 2015


Gardening Pleasure

Perhaps it is because each
time I glance out the door or a
summertime window onto the
gardens surrounding our house, 
I am awed anew by nature's
complex beauty. The colours,
forms, texture and fragrance 
of a well-mannered garden
imparts pleasure and no little
amount of personal satisfaction.
I can scarce believe that assisted
by nature I can be responsible
for the landscape my eyes celebrate
when I return home to the fresh
loveliness of flowers in proud
display, reflecting my vision of
Eden. So yes, of course I enjoy
the challenge, the odour of damp,
dark soil, the emergence of
spring bulbs, perennials and
trusted old standbys fulfilling
their seasonal promise. I appreciate
the presence of birds drinking
from a birdbath and singing
in praise of the season, butterflies
and bees in pursuit of their life's
purpose. But I do draw the line
at hordes of stinging insects
with no respect for the author of
the arras they occupy, as
hostile witness to garden chores.

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