Saturday, May 9, 2015


They appear somewhat the
worse for wear, but it's been
an admittedly hard winter for
rural folk. Now that spring
has truly arrived, they set out
the product they specialize in
bedding plants for the urban
gardener, playing at life in the
countryside. We greet, as old
acquaintances seeing one 
another briefly over a succession
of years. They are the original
salt-of-the-earth and we do so
admire their industry, providing
us with the basis of aesthetic
growing pleasure in the glowing
jewel colours of flowers
enlivening our summer lives.
Passing pleasantries and
recapturing family news in
brief we note how aged they
have become, bodies slumped,
faces creased, eyes dimming, 
and feel regret, on their behalf.
Driving home, catching a glimpse
of our own faces we realize
that what we've noted, they too
must have recognized in us.

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