Sunday, July 22, 2012

On The Move, Again

Historically, human communities
were tribal, exclusive, bellicose 
and on the move in the jungles
of Africa and in the deserts of Arabia.
Seeking the advantage that would
allow them to persevere and endure
in the worlds of scarcity, they sought
to preserve themselves obeying the
primeval imperatives of existence.

How times have changed; their
geography plumbed now for rare
and sought-after mineral resources, 
and gushers of petrofuels enriching
their modern-day states. Plenty for all
to share.  Human nature has not
changed, malign tribal forces
exact their due in violent division.

Great masses of humanity continue
their migratory journeys fleeing
persecution, oppression, wars,
religious intolerance.  Mostly Muslims
make these pilgrimages of wild
desperation now, women and children
fleeing rape and slavery, men evading
slaughter, their righteous assassins
in hot, suicidal pursuit of martyrdom.

Iraqis streaming into Jordan and Syria
for haven.  Syrians fleeing in terror
to Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan.
Malians leaving ancient Timbuktu,
just as Syrians flee equally ancient
Damascus.  Libyans to Italy for succour,
and Somalis and Yemenites, Tunisians
and Egyptians, Iranians and Afghans in
full flight from their brethren.

During these most holy of crescent
moon-sighted days of quiet repose,
prayers, remorse and forgiveness,
the need to fast from sun up to sun
down presents few challenges to those
who have left possessions and food 
behind them during yet another series 
of jihad inspired soul-searching
found desperately, horribly wanting.

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