Friday, May 4, 2012

Without Doubt

Without doubt, things are
changing.  This is a lovely day.
Gone the incessant rain events,
the unseasonable spring flirtation 
with that winter reluctant to depart.
Finally, the sun is out to dry
drenched landscapes where
forsythia, tulips, daffodils and
dandelions anxiously vie for
attention and acclaim as the
first of the season, earning
our grateful adulation.

And you seat yourself 
awkwardly in the waiting room
crowded with people, wondering
exactly what you're doing there,
amongst those who are grossly
overweight and pitifully underweight,
bent crooked, stumbling, unwilling
to meet the eye of a stranger.  You
wonder why it was you dressed to
ward off cool, damp weather
and now feel constricted, hot.

Names are called and those
waiting respond, tottering to
the inner offices, their faces 
peaked, lined, pale, concerned.
You return to your book, the one
you read only in such places, a
tedious novel to match a tedious
process.  And that is why you are
there, the process today includes
electrodes and a weekend-worn
heart monitor.  Your doctor
exhibits rather peculiar whimsies.

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