Wednesday, May 9, 2012


It is a street like all others
that structure the urban
landscape; orderly, solidly
middle-class, pride in 
ownership evident in those
neat facades nicely painted,
gardens and lawns spruced
for spring, and the bypassing
eye sees nothing remarkable
until it is arrested by the
bleak sight of one home in the
complacent neighbourly
row of houses whose 
windows are boarded and
where telltale black singes
have marred the even colour
of brick and siding.  The
house, looking bleak,
forlorn, even puzzled
at its sheer misfortune 
as though grieving for the
yesterday when all was normal 
in its pride of presence,
children's voices echoing 
in the halls, responding
to a mother's call to assemble
for the family meal.

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